CyberSphere is an icon-driven game developed with text-adventures in mind. Explore a cyberpunk-themed world spreading across a fictitional town, its
undergrounds and the outerspace above it to discover its secrets. Traverse the voxels-made environment using an icon-based mechanics istead
of typing text.
You are a hacker living Chiba City, home of your online rides in the cyberspace and land of smugglers, fixers and data thieves. One day you wake up in your apartment with an abnormal and pounding head-ache. Your vision is blurred, you keep staggering and it’s difficult to walk. Apparently, you have been out of business at least for a few days now, but you don’t remember what happened since your memories are quite confused. From the fog, fragments of the recent past seem to emerge, yet words like “Blipvert” and “Family Project” bear no meaning to you.
What lurks behind them?
Being for the most part a static adventure, CyberSphere runs virtually on any platform. 100MB of free space is necessary to install it on a HD. The game has been successfully tested on the following systems without any particular issues:
Benchmark tests performed on various platforms indicate that RAM memory occupancy at runtime is
contained around 70MB. From a hardware standpoint there are therefore no particular minimum system
specifications that can hamper usage of this product.
The Game CD contains the following versions of the game:
This Product was added to our catalogue on 11/11/2021.